What is the role of the persona archetype in dreams?

Asked by: SeanT
Viewed: 449
Answers: 2
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Hi everyone,

I've recently been studying Jungian psychology as part of my interest in dreams and dream analysis. I stumbled upon the concept of the "persona archetype," but I'm finding it hard to comprehend its role in dreams. Specifically, I would love to understand how this concept might play a part in our daily life, or if it's something only studied by professionals in psychology.

In real life, I've been experiencing vivid dreams and wonder if there's a connection between those dreams and the persona archetype. Is it something that influences how we behave and perceive ourselves in dreams? How does it connect with the other archetypes like the shadow and the self?

I'm really hoping to get some insights from people who might have studied this or have personal experiences related to the concept. Any thoughts, readings, or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


Answer by: chris

Answered on: 01 Aug 2023 Marked as best by question author

  • 2


I studied Jungian psychology, and the persona archetype is indeed a fascinating topic! The persona represents the image or role we present to the world, and it's often shaped by societal expectations. In dreams, it may manifest as characters or situations that represent how we perceive our social roles and responsibilities.

But it's not just an isolated concept; the persona is intertwined with other archetypes like the shadow (our unconscious and repressed parts) and the self (our complete psyche). Understanding the persona in dreams helps us see our public self and potentially what we might be hiding or repressing. It aids in self-awareness and personal growth by allowing us to explore and integrate different aspects of ourselves. For further reading, I'd suggest Carl Jung's "Man and His Symbols." It's an excellent book that delves into these topics.

Answer by: Will

Answered on: 01 Aug 2023

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I know a little about this. The persona archetype is like the role we play in life, and in dreams, it might just be an extension of that. So, it's kinda like dreaming about how you're acting in front of others. It's cool stuff but maybe more of a topic for psychologists.

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